Development of the domestic tractor industry has reached a level where it is necessary not only to move forward, but also to carefully preserve relics that tell about the stages of the industry. The idea of opening Cheboksary Scientific and Technical Museum of the History of the tractor belongs to the President of "Concern " Tractor plants " Michael Bolotin . This unique and one of its kind in the Russian Museum, a non-governmental cultural institution , intended to promote technical education and education of the general population . The exposition of the museum, which is located on an area of over 1500 square meters. m, will give a complete picture of the history and development of Russian and world tractor . The museum funds are formed not only from the documents , models of tractors, images that in itself is valuable, but authentic sample tractors domestic and foreign production that operated both in Russia and in the countries near and far abroad . Exhibits are located at two sites : open and closed . Here are the wheel , caterpillar , industrial, skidders . Already delivered and placed in the museum 18 machines . This " Fordson Putilovets " , manufactured from 1924 to 1933 at the Leningrad plant "Red Putilovets ." In the second half of the 20 - ies of the last century it was the most common in the country farm tractor , replacing horses with a plow . It was with him began the mechanization of manual farm labor in Soviet Russia. In 1934, he was replaced by tractor "Universal" the same plant. With him in the domestic tractor began an era of manufacture tractors . Tractor with kerosene engine and metal wheels was the first domestic products exported abroad. In the 30s there was a need for a massive crawler agricultural tractors and transport truck tractors . Experts Stalingrad Tractor Factory in collaboration with scientists of the Research Institute of the tractor ( NATI ) have developed a unified model of agricultural and transport tractor. Further development of the country required the construction of large tractor plants . Were built : the Stalingrad Tractor Plant - in 1930 ( released STZ-15/30 tractors ) Kharkiv Tractor Plant - 1931 (tractors HTZ like tractors STZ ) , Chelyabinsk Tractor Plant - in 1933 ( C tracked tractors -60 ) . For ten years before the war the domestic industry produced for agriculture about 700 thousand tractors . The total output of the domestic tractor was 40 % of world production. During the Great Patriotic War produced not only military equipment, in particular, was built Altai Tractor Plant , and in the postwar years, tractor factories appeared in Minsk , Vladimir, Lipetsk, Chisinau , Tashkent , Pavlodar. Over a hundred years of development of the industry tractors bulky hulking machines that require large amounts of fuel and considerable human effort turned into mobile means , without which there is no sector of the economy. Of agriculture tractor moved into industry. At the end of the last century, the capital of Chuvashia became the capital of an industrial tractor . In the early 70s began to build one of the largest tractor factories in the world. In 1975 the assembly line Cheboksary Industrial Tractor Plant (now "Promtractor ") first tractor T-330 . Heavy dozing and ripping and pipelaying equipment Promtraktor leading enterprise Concern "Tractor Plants ", successfully working in enterprises of fuel and energy complex, gold , oil, gas , coal, mining industry , construction industry and road sector . And this page of our history , too, will be reflected in the halls of our museum . Each piece is unique tractor museum , including from overseas and brought " McCormick ", released in 1936 in Chicago. Visitors to the museum can not only see firsthand the American tractor, but touch his hands . American technology rightly takes pride of place in the museum , because it was she at one time boost to Russian engineering. After the victory of the October Revolution, the country was in dire need of agricultural technology, but to develop your own sample due to lack of experience and lack of time could not be considered. While the most common , easiest and cheapest in the world finds it easy tractor " Fordson " , manufactured in the United States since 1917. And decided to put it into mass production . To do this, six new tractors dismantled to the last screw and carefully all the details of the Measurement , and then transferred to the drawings. Test Items for hardness and conducting metallographic and chemical analyzes, select appropriate materials and manufacturing technology installed . Work was conducted qualitatively so that when the plant began to receive some items from America , they were completely interchangeable with ours. Moreover, the technology of production on " Putilovtsi " in some cases, was even more perfect than the American . This fact does not mean that our engineers were able to just copy someone else's invention. History of Russian tractor dates back to 1879 , when a farmer from the Saratov province Fyodor Abramovich Blinov received a patent for "Wagon with endless rails for transportation of goods by road and country roads ." This design became the ancestor of modern tractors with caterpillar swing. Our time is too generous to talented people , you only need to create conditions for them patiently to grow them . And this will contribute to our museum . Federal Research and Testing Center mashinostreniya donated tractor history museum specimens 9 unique wheeled and crawler tractors , which are monuments of science and technology . Concern Experts now restore these tractors " HTZ- 7 " 1950 release, " T-28 ", released in 1958 , known as " Vladimirovets " tractor layout "A- 45A ", " Universal- 2", " DT- 20 ", etc. The first Cheboksary bulldozer T -330 tractors modern T-75 M 012 CMH already taken their places of honor in the museum. Management of the Group has put in front of our museum ambitious goal - to gather the world's largest collection of layouts, models and samples tractors. This is important for the development of the entire group , because it is impossible to move forward without a well-established experience of previous generations of the tractor . Therefore , we welcome the provision of museum of any useful information , documents and artifacts that shed light on the history of tractor . Contemporary Museum is unthinkable without the use of information technology , so after meeting with the exposition , visitors can watch videos , work in the studio. Everyone will be able to tour the assembly line " Promtraktor ." Museum - this is not just a repository of objects and documents . It is intended to be more and research center , with it must necessarily act consultation and training center for the training of specialists engaged in the manufacture and commercial operation of tractors. One of its objectives - to promote and popularize scientific and technical knowledge and achievements tractor . Resources of our museum should be involved for training technical personnel . Together with the universities and colleges of engineering profile on the basis of the museum's need to develop and implement innovative educational programs. Practice seminars , round tables, professional skills improvement courses . It is planned to involve the cooperation of teachers and students of technical faculties of universities and colleges . It is important that visitors to the museum will not only adults , but also children who are interested to find out what's inside one or another mechanism to get acquainted with the principle of its operation. Here you can reach the whole family. And it is possible that interest in technology , which is incorporated in many of the boys , thanks to the museum will be able to develop and give the country a new kulibinyh . In fact with the invention in 1791, a three-wheeled " wheelchair - samokatka " famous self-taught mechanic Ivan Petrovich began the development of a self-propelled Kulibina technology. Cheboksartsev eve of the Day of the machine engineer at the museum of history of the tractor had a first contest creators of homemade tractors "Kulibin XXI Century". Competition craftsmen caused an unprecedented interest among the inventors of the republic. Original views on the current vehicle shared about thirty kulibinyh . Decided to make this traditional competition that it was attended not only by specialists of the Company. And who knows, maybe that's the concern enterprises will release new models of tractors proposed masters nuggets . Another objective of our museum - consolidation " museum " forces . The country has several corporate museums , which houses a lot of valuable information about tractors , which have access to only employees of the company . Not because it is secret , but because it happened . Some experts mistakenly believe that it is not interesting , but to those who are involved in a particular enterprise. But it happens that small detail , placed in a large exposure, gives an opportunity to look at history from a different angle , prompting technical thought. Because the idea of a general technical education, which is designed to carry the weight of history museum in the tractor must feel the employees of all divisions of the Company. |